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4 Tips To Create A Trippy Painting That Will Blow Your Mind

Painting takes a long time and patience. But the outcome is always worth the effort. The only problem is that you may not know where to start. You don’t need to be an expert painter or have any training in painting whatsoever for this though! You just need some good tips and tricks to make it easier for you. In this blog post, we’ll give you 4 easy steps that will make your paintings come alive. Ready? Let’s paint!


Step One: Choose Your Medium


When you’re painting, always remember to choose the right medium for your needs. There are so many different types of mediums out there and each is good for different things. What do you want to paint? If you want to paint something that is abstract or nonfigurative, then watercolor paints are a good option. If you want your painting to look realistic, oil paints are probably better. There’s also acrylic which can be used on any type of surface.


Step Two: Create a Sketch


Once you’ve chosen the subject, it’s time to sketch out your idea. If you’re not exactly sure where your painting is going, this can be a helpful step. You don’t have to worry about getting it perfect on the first try! Drawing out your thoughts will help you decide which colors and textures will work best for your painting. And if you come up with a great idea while drawing, just go ahead and paint that instead of trying to pencil it in.


Step Three: Paint in Detail


The next step is to start painting in detail. When you’re beginning, you should mainly focus on the main features of your figure and background. You can add details as you go along, but it’s important not to get too caught up in them because they may become lost later on. Try to make the trippy painting simple but captivating. 


Step Four: Finish It Off


You’ve done all the hard work and now it’s time to finish off your painting. What can you do to make sure that your painting has a stunning finish? You can add texture! Adding texture will make your painting more interesting and eye-catching. Texture doesn’t have to be complicated either. It could be something as simple as a few brush strokes or adding some marks with a pencil or charcoal.


The great thing about adding texture is that it won’t take away from the original idea of the piece. It will simply enhance what is already there. There are different ways on how you can add texture to your painting in a way that it will improve its looks. It doesn’t matter if this is your first time to paint because there are a lot of videos and tutorials online. Aside from that, there is no mistake when it comes to painting. 


Now you know how to create trippy paintings that will blow your mind! With a little patience and creativity, you can create something truly unique.