
News and Insights from the Middle East


5 Tips To Encourage Children To Learn English

Parents can contribute very actively both in the English learning phase, English for Kindergarten (ภาษา อังกฤษ สำหรับ เด็ก อนุบาล which is the term in Thai) and in building interest in the language. For this, we have separated 5 tips that must be put into practice.

  1. Explore The Power Of Music

Music is one of the great ways to get children and teenagers interested in English. So, put in your car, or even at home, songs of interest to your children and, of course, in the English language. It’s worth helping to translate some excerpts and explain some pronunciations to make the game even cooler.

  1. Use And Abuse Technology

Technology is a great ally of the current education and would not be different for the teaching of English. So, if you approve of the use of screens by the little ones, take the opportunity to let them play with apps that teach colors, shapes, animal names, etc., in English.

  1. Tell Stories

Storytelling is often a very special moment in family life which teaching English and Chinese for kids (ภาษา จีน สำหรับ เด็ก which is the term in Thai) for instance. It can be something that is part of the sleep routine or even moments of play. In any case, try telling some quick and straightforward stories in English, taking the opportunity to explain the context of what is being said. That way, your child won’t lose interest in the subject.

  1. Explore The Cartoons

Do you know how much time your child spends in front of the television watching cartoons? Think that it can be much more productive if the fun is in another language. Choose the program well and follow the moment.

  1. Use Some English Words

Some terms or expressions in English can be inserted little by little in the child’s daily life. It is worth choosing words that make sense in the child’s life, which can be easily spoken. Between dog, food, or even I love you, see what can be seen as a game or something special for parents and children. Furthermore, the entire process of teaching English to children is facilitated when schools act positively and strategically. And this is a subject that deserves special attention.

  1. Show Games In English

There are several games, electronic or not, that feature the commands in English. They are great options because they are fun and interest the little ones. As a family, you can replace the Portuguese twister with the English version, for example. This game helps children to learn about directions, body parts, and colors. In addition, it is a good activity to bring children and parents together and create good times together.