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Dealing with an Academic Dishonesty Charge: Your Lawyer Will Take Your Case Seriously

If you have been charged with academic dishonesty, your life can instantly turn upside down. This charge can impact your academic career and professional prospects since it can stay on your record forever. But, you can fight the charge with the assistance of a skilled academic misconduct attorney. Your lawyer knows the harsh consequences an academic dishonesty charge can come with. Should you be found responsible for violating the school’s integrity code, you could lose credit for completed coursework, lose a scholarship or financial aid, face suspension, or be expelled from the school. Your lawyer can provide quality legal guidance and help you establish a defense strategy that proves that you are innocent. 

What is Academic Dishonesty?

This type of misconduct includes the use of unauthorized assistance from others to deceive the school or pass other people’s work and claim it as yours. Academic dishonesty includes plagiarism, cheating on a test, fabricating research results, sabotaging student materials, and others. Penalties for these actions can include reprimands, suspensions, or dismissal. 

What to Do If You are Accused of Academic Dishonesty

If you have been charged with academic dishonesty, hire a lawyer as soon as possible. Approaching your accuser is not a good idea because this can be confrontational. You might say something that might implicate you. Additionally, you must review your student handbook to have an idea of the code you must abide by. This code can include information on academic dishonesty and other school policies. By reviewing the handbook, you can also know whether or not your school is following its policies. 

Can Your Attorney Represent You?

Being charged with academic misconduct can require you to appear at a hearing before a disciplinary panel. The panel may let you have an attorney to represent you, depending on the school’s policies. However, even if your lawyer cannot represent you at the hearing, they can still provide legal guidance and help you prepare for your hearing. Your lawyer will examine the facts and circumstances of your case as well as use their knowledge and experience to protect your rights. 

With a respected lawyer, you can earn an education after successfully challenging the allegations filed against you. Your attorney will not let these allegations prevent you from completing your course and gaining the degree you deserve. If your school is accusing you of academic dishonesty, you must have a lawyer who will aggressively give you guidance and face down the institution.