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Different Types of Procedures Involved In Brick Restoration Sydney

Various jobs involved with brick restoration Sydney are parts of masonry works, for which only trained professionals should be hired. These tasks are aimed at strengthening old buildings and prevent their untimely collapse. The restoration tasks involve both old bricks and worn-out mortar, which may need to be repaired or replaced according to the condition of the structures. Experienced professionals can suggest the type of restoration job that will best suit the needs of their clients.

Repair of the worn-out mortar – Normally, bricks are joined together with mortar or a mixture of cement, sand, and water. However, mortar wears out with passing time, making the joined bricks unstable and endangering the entire building structure. Hence, the first step for brick restoration is to check the mortar binding bricks to one another.  This specific process of brick restoration Sydney is named brick repointing, which includes the removal of worn-out mortar, splashing water on the bricks and mortar, and finally replacing it with fresh mortar. It is important to restore the original quality of a brick structure, which may weaken due to climatic conditions, excess humidity, and deficiency of proper maintenance over the years. 

Restoration of original brick colour – The original colour of bricks fades away with the passing time, which makes a building look shabbier. This discolouration of bricks is mostly caused by the accumulation of dirt on brick surfaces, the action of rainwater and atmospheric humidity, as well as severe air pollution. Thus, the outer brick walls of a building are most likely to fade away, due to being exposed to weather hazards continuously.  The fading of brick colour leads to further damage of bricks, eventually resulting in damage to the building structure. Expert restoration professionals often use simple procedures, like pressure wash, scrubbing the brick surfaces, and vacuum cleaning for restoring the brick colour.

Replacement of damaged bricks – Often old bricks loosens due to damaged mortar and wearing out of brick material. These bricks need to be replaced with new ones when it is not possible to restore them to the original condition. However, this job of brick restoration Sydney demands more expertise, as surrounding bricks should not be harmed in this process. Expert professionals carefully take out the remaining mortar surrounding a damaged brick, to take it out from that spot. Then they clean up the vacant space created by removing that brick before placing the new one there. 

These procedures of brick restoration Sydney help building owners extend the longevity of their properties for many more years.