Homemade Food For Golden Retriever Puppies

Golden Retriever puppies grow rapidly and needs proper nutrition. Feeding young Golden Retriever puppies can be quite tricky and it’s a good idea to prepare food at home for your puppy. Homemade food is affordable and with the right ingredients, you could decide the proper nutrition your dog gets. Golden Retriever pups have specific caloric and nutritional requirements to maintain good growth and health. It is better to consult a veterinary nutritionist if your puppy has certain health condition, like allergy or digestion problems. The vet may suggest the right kind of diet for your special needs dog.

Compared to adult dogs, your Golden Retriever pups need twice the amount of calories. A Golden Retriever pup needs about 1,000 calories each day to reach ideal weights at various stages of development. Your puppy also needs more minerals, vitamins, fat, and protein than adult Golden Retrievers.

Good food ingredients for your puppy are:

Protein- lean beef, fish, turkey, and chicken.

Fat- lean meat and vegetable oil.

Carbohydrates- potatoes and cooked rice.

Vegetables- carrots, green beans, and peas.

Healthy Puppy Meal Recipes For Your Golden Retriever Pup

Puppy owners may also add vitamin and mineral supplements in powder form. There are many recipes that puppy owners can find online. As an example, they can prepare a healthy meal made of ground turkey, cooked brown rice, olive oil, shredded carrots, chopped baby spinach, and peas. It’s convenient to make a large batch of puppy meal, because it can be kept frozen for one week. Frozen puppy food should be thawed inside the refrigerator overnight and reheated the next day with microwave.

Puppy owners should make a new batch of meal each week ensure balanced nutrition. It is possible to make two or three batches of different recipes to provide better balance and variety each day. As the puppy grows bigger, you should weigh him every two weeks, so you can decide the right quantity of calories based on vet’s recommendation.

Contact NordenLights Golden Retrievers

To learn more about how to make homemade food for Golden Retriever puppies, or for information about high performance golden retriever training for your pet, contact NordenLights Golden Retrievers today and speak with an experienced, knowledgeable dog trainer who can answer any questions you might have.

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