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Protecting Your Plumbing from Children

Small children are adorable and bring their families much joy. They also bring their families plumbing problems. What toddler hasn’t stuffed an entire roll of toilet paper into the toilet? And what kindergartener hasn’t tested how much soap can fit into the sink drain? Even if you monitor them closely, your kids can leave the water running and flood your bathroom or destroy your garbage disposal. Fortunately, you can get the quality plumbing help you need by calling San Antonio plumbers. They have the knowledge and skill to deal with any plumbing problems your children cause.

Clogged Toilets

Children are naturally fascinated by the toilet and love to see exactly how much paper they can flush.  They also like to see if they can make their toys disappear as well as their parents’ jewelry and other valuables. The toilet is also a safety issue for small children who can drown in just a few inches of water.

You can protect your child and your toilet by installing a hook and eye high up on the outside of your bathroom door so that only adults and older children can enter the bathroom at will. You can also install a simple toilet lid lock that prevents your baby or toddler from opening it and dumping objects into the bowl.  Older children need to be reminded that a few squares of toilet paper are enough to clean them thoroughly and that no other type of paper of object should be flushed.

Running Faucets

Children are always in a hurry and sometimes leave the faucet running. If they’ve also closed the drain, they can cause a flooded bathroom or kitchen. And let’s be honest – adults are guilty of this mistake as well. You can remind your children every day to turn off the water, but they seldom listen. You can protect yourself and your home by installing auto sensor faucets. These faucets turn on and off automatically, plus your kids will be in contact with fewer germs because they won’t have to touch the fixture. San Antonio plumbers can install these faucets for you quickly and at an affordable cost

Plumbing Damage

Clogged toilets can cause a number of issues, including damaged pipes, stained flooring, and mold growth. Water can easily seep into the subflooring and harm ceiling tiles below. Overflowing sinks and tubs cause many of the same plumbing issues, and they also run up your water bill.

If your child has caused a plumbing issue, call San Antonio plumbers. These skilled professionals can get your plumbing up and running again in no time at all. They can also install updated plumbing fixtures which can help prevent further issues.

You love your kids, but they are hard on your home. Fortunately, you can take a few simple steps to minimize the damage they cause to your plumbing.