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What Are the Seven Lightsaber Combat Forms?

The earliest demonstration of lightsaber combat forms took place during the Hundred-Year Darkness. This was roughly the time when lightsaber technology made enough advances to the point where lightsabers became a useful weapon (for the Jedi Order to utilize) for fighting. From here, the seven forms of combat were developed over a long stretch of time.

Lightsaber Combat Forms

There’s seven different forms of lightsaber combat forms, with them being as follows:
  – Form 1 – Shii-Cho is a very simplified style that was mainly based on fencing principles. It had practice drills, body zones, parries, attacks, etc.
  – Form 2 – Makashi addressed what Shii-Cho missed out on, which was lightsaber to lightsaber fighting – especially since lightsaber fighting became the norm at the time.
  – Form 3 – Soresu focused on blast deflection training, as blasters entering combat near made Form 2 obsolete. If mastered, it was believed that the individual was invincible.
  – Form 4 & 5 – Ataru and Shien lightsaber combat forms were created side by side, as they were the answer to the few weaknesses that came with Soresu. Both are incredibly aggressive combat forms, with Ataru focusing on attack and strength moves. Shien focused on deflecting shots toward one’s opponents, which evolved into Djem. Djem’s primary focus was aggressive dueling with a lightsaber.
  – Form 6 – Niman was created due to the fact that more conservative Jedi were not a fan of Form 4 and Form 5 because of their aggressive nature. Although the forms were incredibly effective, they did not fit well with Jedi moderation and philosophy. Becoming known as the “diplomat’s form”, it would eventually become the favorite of lightsaber combat forms with Lord Exar Kun, a fallen Jedi who became a Sith. He even considered himself to be one of the greatest duelists in the galaxy.
  – Form 7 – It was during the First Jedi Purge when Juyo was developed. This extremely advanced and aggressive form of lightsaber combat requires mastery of all other forms to be studied before it was to be embarked upon. However, this form does come incredibly close to the intensity of Sith lightsaber combat technique.

Considering the information above, you will have a lot to cover in your lightsaber combat training. Between the history and evolution of the lightsaber combat forms, you might forget you are preparing for battle at any given moment with this legendary piece of equipment. Why not contact us today so you can pick up a lightsaber and see how well you would handle yourself in a galaxy far, far away.